Package: polysat 1.7-7

polysat: Tools for Polyploid Microsatellite Analysis

A collection of tools to handle microsatellite data of any ploidy (and samples of mixed ploidy) where allele copy number is not known in partially heterozygous genotypes. It can import and export data in ABI 'GeneMapper', 'Structure', 'ATetra', 'Tetrasat'/'Tetra', 'GenoDive', 'SPAGeDi', 'POPDIST', 'STRand', and binary presence/absence formats. It can calculate pairwise distances between individuals using a stepwise mutation model or infinite alleles model, with or without taking ploidies and allele frequencies into account. These distances can be used for the calculation of clonal diversity statistics or used for further analysis in R. Allelic diversity statistics and Polymorphic Information Content are also available. polysat can assist the user in estimating the ploidy of samples, and it can estimate allele frequencies in populations, calculate pairwise or global differentiation statistics based on those frequencies, and export allele frequencies to 'SPAGeDi' and 'adegenet'. Functions are also included for assigning alleles to isoloci in cases where one pair of microsatellite primers amplifies alleles from two or more independently segregating isoloci. polysat is described by Clark and Jasieniuk (2011) <doi:10.1111/j.1755-0998.2011.02985.x> and Clark and Schreier (2017) <doi:10.1111/1755-0998.12639>.

Authors:Lindsay V. Clark [aut, cre], Alistair J. Hall [ctb], Handunnethi Nihal de Silva [ctb], Tyler William Smith [ctb]

polysat.pdf |polysat.html
polysat/json (API)

# Install 'polysat' in R:
install.packages('polysat', repos = c('', ''))

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Uses libs:
  • c++– GNU Standard C++ Library v3


90 exports 10 stars 3.22 score 1 dependencies 1 dependents 13 mentions 73 scripts 3.4k downloads

Last updated 2 years agofrom:ab6f69af33. Checks:OK: 9. Indexed: yes.

Doc / VignettesOKSep 02 2024
R-4.5-win-x86_64OKSep 02 2024
R-4.5-linux-x86_64OKSep 02 2024
R-4.4-win-x86_64OKSep 02 2024
R-4.4-mac-x86_64OKSep 02 2024
R-4.4-mac-aarch64OKSep 02 2024
R-4.3-win-x86_64OKSep 02 2024
R-4.3-mac-x86_64OKSep 02 2024
R-4.3-mac-aarch64OKSep 02 2024



Assigning alleles to isoloci in polysat

Rendered fromallopolyVignette.Rnwusingutils::Sweaveon Sep 02 2024.

Last update: 2017-07-23
Started: 2015-07-26

polysat version 1.7 Tutorial Manual

Rendered frompolysattutorial.Rnwusingutils::Sweaveon Sep 02 2024.

Last update: 2017-11-07
Started: 2015-07-26

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Accessor and Replacement Functions for "gendata" ObjectsAbsent Absent<- Description Description<- Genotype Genotype<- Genotypes Genotypes<- Loci Loci<- Missing Missing<- Ploidies Ploidies<- PopInfo PopInfo<- PopNames PopNames<- PopNum PopNum<- Present Present<- Samples Samples<- Usatnts Usatnts<-
Assign Alleles to Isoloci Based on Distribution of GenotypesalleleCorrelations testAlGroups
Retrieve and Count Unique AllelesalleleDiversity
Simulated Allotetraploid DataAllopolyTutorialData
Group Individuals Based on a Distance ThresholdassignClones
Genetic Distance Metric of Bruvo et al.Bruvo.distance
Distance Measure of Bruvo et al. under Genome Loss and AdditionBruvo2.distance
Estimate Population Differentiation StatisticscalcFst calcPopDiff
Sort Alleles into IsolocicatalanAlleles
Remove Samples or Loci from an ObjectdeleteLoci deleteSamples
Estimate Allele Frequencies with EM AlgorithmdeSilvaFreq
Edit Genotypes Using the Data EditoreditGenotypes
Estimate Ploidies Based on Allele CountsestimatePloidy
Additional Data on Rubus SamplesFCRinfo
Find Missing Genotypesfind.missing.gen
Convert Allele Frequencies for
Class "genambig"deleteLoci,genambig-method deleteSamples,genambig-method editGenotypes,genambig-method estimatePloidy,genambig-method genambig-class Genotype,genambig-method Genotype<-,genambig-method Genotypes,genambig-method Genotypes<-,genambig-method initialize,genambig-method isMissing,genambig-method Loci<-,genambig-method Missing<-,genambig-method Samples<-,genambig-method show,genambig-method summary,genambig-method viewGenotypes,genambig-method [,genambig-method
Convert Between Genotype Object
Class "genbinary"Absent,genbinary-method Absent<-,genbinary-method deleteLoci,genbinary-method deleteSamples,genbinary-method editGenotypes,genbinary-method estimatePloidy,genbinary-method genbinary-class Genotype,genbinary-method Genotypes,genbinary-method Genotypes<-,genbinary-method initialize,genbinary-method isMissing,genbinary-method Loci<-,genbinary-method Missing<-,genbinary-method Present,genbinary-method Present<-,genbinary-method Samples<-,genbinary-method summary,genbinary-method viewGenotypes,genbinary-method [,genbinary-method
Class "gendata"deleteLoci,gendata-method deleteSamples,gendata-method Description,gendata-method Description<-,gendata-method gendata-class initialize,gendata-method Loci,gendata,missing,missing-method Loci,gendata,missing,numeric-method Loci,gendata,numeric,missing-method Loci,gendata,numeric,numeric-method Loci<-,gendata-method Missing,gendata-method Missing<-,gendata-method Ploidies,gendata-method Ploidies<-,gendata-method PopInfo,gendata-method PopInfo<-,gendata-method PopNames,gendata-method PopNames<-,gendata-method PopNum,gendata,character-method PopNum<-,gendata,character-method Samples,gendata,character,missing-method Samples,gendata,character,numeric-method Samples,gendata,missing,missing-method Samples,gendata,missing,numeric-method Samples,gendata,numeric,missing-method Samples,gendata,numeric,numeric-method Samples<-,gendata-method summary,gendata-method Usatnts,gendata-method Usatnts<-,gendata-method [,gendata-method
Convert Data to genind
Find All Unique Genotypes for a LocusgenIndex genIndex,array-method genIndex,genambig-method
Genotype Diversity StatisticsgenotypeDiversity Shannon Simpson Simpson.var
Calculate Probabilities of Unambiguous GenotypesgenotypeProbs
Internal Functions in polysat.unal1loc fixloci G GENLIST INDEXG RANMUL SELFMAT
Determine Whether Genotypes Are MissingisMissing
Calculate Band-Sharing Dissimilarity Between GenotypesLynch.distance
Tools for Working With Pairwise Distance meandist.from.array
Mean Pairwise Distance Matrixmeandistance.matrix meandistance.matrix2
Merge Two Genotype Objects into Onemerge merge,genambig,genambig-method merge,genbinary,genbinary-method merge,gendata,gendata-method merge-methods
Merge Allele Assignment MatricesmergeAlleleAssignments
Polymorphic Information ContentPIC
Accessor, Replacement, and Manipulation Functions for '"ploidysuper"' ObjectsplCollapse pld pld<-
Class '"ploidysuper"' and SubclassesplCollapse,ploidylocus,logical,logical-method plCollapse,ploidymatrix,logical,logical-method plCollapse,ploidyone,logical,logical-method plCollapse,ploidysample,logical,logical-method pld,ploidylocus-method pld,ploidymatrix-method pld,ploidyone-method pld,ploidysample-method pld<-,ploidylocus-method pld<-,ploidymatrix-method pld<-,ploidyone-method pld<-,ploidysample-method ploidylocus-class ploidymatrix-class ploidyone-class ploidysample-class ploidysuper-class
Perform Allele Assignments across Entire DatasetplotParamHeatmap plotSSAllo processDatasetAllo
Read File in ATetra Formatread.ATetra
Read GeneMapper Genotypes Tablesread.GeneMapper
Import Genotype Data from GenoDive Fileread.GenoDive
Read Genotype Data in POPDIST Formatread.POPDIST
Read Genotypes in SPAGeDi Formatread.SPAGeDi
Read Genotypes Produced by STRand Softwareread.STRand
Read Genotypes and Other Data from a Structure Fileread.Structure
Read Data from a TETRASAT Input Fileread.Tetrasat
Create a New 'genambig' Dataset with Loci Split into IsolocirecodeAllopoly
Convert Ploidy Format of a DatasetreformatPloidies
Generate Simulated DatasetssimAllopoly
Randomly Generated Data for Learning polysatsimgen
Simple Allele Frequency EstimatorsimpleFreq
Rubus Genotype Data for Learning polysattestgenotypes
Print Genotypes to the ConsoleviewGenotypes
Write Genotypes in ATetra Formatwrite.ATetra
Create a File of Allele Frequencies for SPAGeDiwrite.freq.SPAGeDi
Write Genotypes to a Table Similarly to ABI GeneMapperwrite.GeneMapper
Write a File in GenoDive Formatwrite.GenoDive
Write Genotypes to a POPDIST Filewrite.POPDIST
Write Genotypes in SPAGeDi Formatwrite.SPAGeDi
Write Genotypes in Structure 2.3 Formatwrite.Structure
Write Genotype Data in Tetrasat Formatwrite.Tetrasat